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August 9, 2019

For Immediate Release
Aug. 8, 2019

Media Contact
Darren DeLaune
O: (918) 732-7617

Muscogee (Creek) Nation witnesses Governor sign bill at Capitol

OKLAHOMA CITY — A momentous occasion for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, state of Oklahoma and other tribes across the state as Oklahoma HB2091 was signed by Governor Kevin Stitt on Aug. 6 in the Blue Room at the state capitol building. Efforts to get the bill introduced began in January. HB 2091 will allow tribal representation to be added to the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board.

The new members will be appointed by the State Attorney General and one of the members must be an American Indian survivor of domestic violence from a list of three names submitted by the Native Alliance Against Violence.

MCN Principal Chief James Floyd was on hand to witness the governor signing the bill.

“We will have somebody there to provide the Indian perspective, and tribal perspective,” he said.

Floyd believes the rate of violence against Native American women is higher than any other race.

“And is probably less known than others,” he said.

MCN Family Violence Prevention Program Director Shawn Partridge said this bill being signed is a benefit to all tribes across Oklahoma.

“Any work that is being done to improve the safety of Native people is going to benefit Muscogee (Creek) Nation and our citizens,” she said.

According to NAAV’s website, more than half of all Native women experience physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime and are also more than likely to experience violence perpetrated by one or more non-Indian perpetrators.
