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Vocational Rehabilitation Program

The Muscogee Creek Nation Vocational Rehabilitation Program continues to provide vocational rehabilitation (VR) support to a population of un-served and under-served American Indians with disabilities.  The overall goals and objectives of the MCNVRSP are to provide a broad scope of high-quality, culturally-appropriate VR services to American Indians with disabilities, residing within the MCN service area, that is consistent with their individual strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, and informed choices to gain and maintain successful employment and independence.

Therefore, the ultimate impact of the MCN Vocational Rehabilitation program is to provide culturally sensitive counseling, educational resources, and case management services by qualified VR Specialists to increase the confidence of American Indian clients as they progress through their education toward successful employment outcomes.

Vocational Rehabilitation History

Muscogee (Creek) Nation Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program was established in 1998 with a Federal grant award from the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Washington, D.C. with matching funds made available from Muscogee (Creek) Nation. The vocational Rehabilitation Services Program coordinates and co-cases with the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation services at the consumer’s request. Services are provided by both programs without duplication of services to maximize resources.

Scope of Services

Muscogee (Creek) Nation Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program is designed for American Indians with disabilities that pose a permanent impediment to employment to prepare for, enter and retain suitable employment consistent with their strengths, abilities, capabilities, and interests. Scope of services is any services that are described in the Individualized Plan for Employment with services provided in a manner that is consistent with each eligible consumer’s needs and informed choice.

Services include, but are not limited to:

  • Counseling and guidance
  • Job-related services
  • Vocational and other training services
  • Referral to secure needed services
  • Physical and restoration service;

Eligibility Guidelines

  • Must be a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe and live within the Muscogee (Creek) Nation boundaries/service area.
  • Must have a documented physical or mental disability that poses a permanent impediment to obtaining or maintaining successful employment
  • Must be able to benefit from vocational rehabilitation (VR) services in terms of an employment outcome and must require VR services to prepare for, enter or retain suitable employment.

For faster assistance, please apply online below.

Vocational Rehab Application…


To find out what services are available, please contact our office:

The Muscogee Nation VR Services
401 S. Woody Guthrie
Okemah, OK 74859

Fax: (918) 623-2796


(918) 623-1197

1 (888) 367-2332