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RFQ: Artist Services for CSB
January 13, 2020

January 13, 2020

Dear Muscogee (Creek) citizens,

Hesci! Our first week in office has been completed and as leaders, we understand that accountability and transparency from government are fundamental. This is why we felt it necessary to provide the citizens of this great Nation with an update on activities and initiatives that have been addressed so far.

So far, a meeting with current Cabinet members was held to receive updates on their respective departments and programs. All Cabinet positions are in “acting” status at this time. Positions are being reviewed and updated as necessary to reflect current duties and responsibilities, processes are being formulated for advertisement and application of Cabinet positions. Also as of January 6, briefings were scheduled for Muscogee (Creek) Nation departments and programs and site visits are being conducted to programs. Together, we want to meet with staff and listen to employees’ ideas and recommendations on what we can do to improve the Nation’s service to our citizens and our employees. We want our employees to love working here and figure what avenues need to be taken to accomplish this.

We have met with the Investment Committee to review the financial status of the Nation. The committee will continue to meet with financial institutions for further evaluation of finances, with long- and short- term investments in mind.

On January 8, we had the opportunity to meet with leadership of Oklahoma tribes in Norman, Oklahoma regarding the gaming compact issue that MCN and 34 other tribes in the State of Oklahoma are facing. We also attended the quarterly Inter-Tribal of the Five Civilized Tribes on January 9-10, at the Hard Rock Casino Tulsa. We are still united with the tribes in protecting our sovereignty through tribal gaming.

We want our citizens to remain informed and updated on the concerns and recommendations they have shared with us over the last few months before we took office. We will continue to provide transparency and accountability as these efforts develop.


David W. Hill, Principal Chief

Del Beaver, Second Chief