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RFQ: Artist Services for CSB
February 25, 2020

For Immediate Release 

Feb. 25, 2020 

Community supports fundraiser for city of Wetumka

Muscogee (Creek) Nation, organizations unite for first annual fundraiser

WETUMKA, Oklahoma — “There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” A quote coming from writer Margaret J. Wheatley described the Boots and Badges Block Party (BBBP) in Wetumka, Okla., on Feb. 22.

The BBBP was held at Wetumka Public Schools which included events such as a cornhole tournament, silent auction, chili cook-off and a bounce house.

Wetumka Police Chief Joe Cooper said the BBBP was a fundraiser to help raise money for city.

“The townspeople had come together to get this going for the city,” he said. “The community has been a tremendous amount of help.”

Several organizations such as Hughes County Sheriff’s Office and Muscogee (Creek) Nation Lighthorse Police Department and Wetumka Fire Department were on hand to have games for the youth and volunteer in whatever way possible.

LTPD Corporal Danny Beaver said he always wants to help his brothers in the police and fire department and he felt a lot of other officers want to do the same.

“It is an honor and privilege to get out here in our communities within our jurisdiction and see the people,” Beaver said. “We are helping departments that help citizens in these areas when there are emergencies and it is letting people know that we are here too should they need help.”

Breanna Hill of Holdenville, Okla., said although she does not live in Wetumka, she does have family ties here and would do anything to help.

“It makes my heart happy to see everyone in the community come together and help out the city departments,” she said.

Cooper said everyone in attendance has helped in some way to better the town.

“From the chili cook-off and silent auction everyone is lending a hand,” he said. “Our food truck vendors has donated half of their earnings to the city. It is unbelievable what everyone has done for the departments and city.”

Hill said getting the block party ready took a little over a month but what she has seen shows what a community can do in time of need.

“All the communities, whether you live in Wetumka, or not, are supporting each other,” Hill said. “It shows everyone that we love this town.”

Cooper and others who attended the block party hope that this becomes an annual day of festivities.
