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RFQ: Artist Services for CSB
September 10, 2020

Deadline for Mvskoke Nation Youth Services Awards extended

Nominations being accepted until Sept. 18

OKMULGEE, Oklahoma — The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Mvskoke Nation Youth Services are seeking nominations for their fifth annual Mvskoke Youth Awards to be held Sept. 30.

MNYS has extended the deadline to Sept. 18.

MNYS Director Nancy Mason said these awards were created to recognize individuals both youth and adults who have contributed to MNYS and their respective communities.

“We will have five categories for the nominees,” Mason said. “The categories are ‘Promote Civic Duty,’ ‘Encourage Wellness,’ ‘Provide Resources,’ ‘Foster Advocacy’ and ‘Create Support.’”

The youth category will be for the ages 12-24 and the adult category will be 25 and up.

“They need to be Muscogee (Creek) citizens who have impacted the lives of Mvskoke youth,” Mason said.

She said they notify the nominees that someone was thinking about and nominated them for the award. It lets them know that they are doing the work and being recognized.

“It is important to be recognized for the work that they do,” Mason said. “We know they are not out there doing the work for the recognition but we know they are doing the work because that is who they are and what they do.”

The event will be at 4:00 p.m. on Sept. 30 on Facebook Live: @MvskokeYouth.

For more information call: 918-549-2557, or visit: